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Welcome to the UK net.goth site

Originally created by dishmop for your viewing pleasure.
Optimised for IE 5.x / Windows platforms.

24216 members, 880 clubs
3173 shops, 1393 pubs, 304 lists

Top Twenty Contributors
KarlSteiger (1936)
Samoth (1337)
jen (1008)
Sheridan (856)
Morph (849)
evilgothicpixie (809)
Julie-Anne Borgias (793)
Saruman (778)
Victoria Blingtrash (757)
dishmop (734)
fross (724)
Vainian (687)
Survivor (648)
Phono Paul (580)
cyberdruid (518)
IndustrialFreak (496)
hexene (483)
Blackmetalbaz (482)
lilac_honey (463)
Draven (431)

goffboi goffgirl
images courtesy Stor Entertainment
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Once again let us know if you find something broken, and thanks for all your support

Upcoming Events | Showing 15 forthcoming events | Visit the Events section for more

Todays featured profile - p.pod
( click on their name to see more info about them )
Real name:Lisa
Location:Republic of Ireland
Prefers to drink:Sobe; iced green tea; vodka n' soda w. a splash of cranberry.... but not all at once
Berlin BlackQuantcast

© dave bolton (dishmop) 2001-04.
© 2008 newt & sam